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Kingdom Resource Management Group (KRMG) is a conduit to connect followers of Christ blessed with financial resources or provision to ministers with the vision to fulfill the great commission. Going to the nations, making disciples, and doing the will of God.


One of the unfortunate problems in Christian non-profits is the bigger they get big more of the donated dollars goes to administrative costs and marketing to raise more money. In many cases over 70 percent of the resources donated never make it to those being donated to. 


KRMG is self funded so we don’t take any of the resources donated to the advancement of the gospel. In addition to that we purposely look for ministries with preexisting infrastructure so the resources get where they belong…. To the ministers directly reaching the lost across the globe.


We are living in a world where we are seeing the end times prophesied in the Bible unfold before our very eyes. 

Matt 24:14 tells us that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, then the end will come.


Join us as we partner with Gods Kings (the providers) with his Priests (those actively advancing His Kingdom). 


Our current focuses are, orphanages that disciple the orphans into maturity in Christ. Grass roots boots on the ground Evangelists that are reaching the lost both establishing churches and adding to the local churches. As well as ministries rescuing those trapped in sex trafficking that disciple the victims to maturity in Christ. 

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Ministries Receieving Support

Our Accountability Team:


Tom Greenfield

Lead Pastor

Paul Tinnon

Administration Lead

Bob Oliver



Julie Greenfield

Intercessory Prayer


Traci Tinnon

Intercessory Prayer

Cooper Helm


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