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Displaced Christians: 

Kingdom Resource Management Group has been privileged to partner with pastor Hama Khaimichho in Myanmar . Pastor Hama has planted 100 churches and has vision to plant 300 more in the next 10 years.

Civil War: Displaced Christians

Myanmar update, as you know we are supporting displaced believers in Myanmar. Pastor Hama who has planted 100 churches in the last 10 years has 3 churches of people. 24 families of which 3 are pastor’s families that have had to flee as refugees because of civil war in Myanmar.

We just sent the second month of support that will ensure that none of the over 100 people will go without food. 
Pastor Hama has proven to be a man of integrity sending an accounting of how all of the money is being used.

Continued prayer is needed, as all fighting age men up to the age of 65 are being forcefully enlisted into service into the war. 
The Bible college Hama oversees (50 students) is currently able to continue. Most students are financially struggling to meet the 30 per month cost to continue in the school. The college is absorbing the loss to continue to educate the students to go out and preach the gospel in a country with little hope. 

Please continue to pray for Pastor Hama and his team and if possible continue to support this group of brothers and sisters in Christ through KRMG.

Myanmar: Displaced Christian Refugees

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