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Mountain Home Orphanage

Helping orphans come to know the Love of the Father for over 30 years.

Why KRMG is a Mountain Home Partner:

Kingdom Resourses Management Group is proud to partner with Mountain Home Orphanage in the Philippians. We have known this ministry for decades.

Pastor Peppy xxxx started this ministry over 30 years ago as they were birthing churches all around the Northern Philippians. It was becoming all too common that they would find orphans living on the streets of the villages that they were ministering in. Pastor Peppy, consumed with the compassion of Christ would bring them home. 
Over time, as the numbers grew the orphanage began. Now, 30 years later the administration of the orphanage has been transferred to his daughter Amy who is as committed as her father to see kids know the Love of their true Father, Jesus Christ.


Over the span of the life of this particular part of their ministry, it is estimated that over half the orphans that have come through their doors have, themselves, entered into full time ministry.


Mountain home currently has 26 orphans in full time care.

Many off the street and rescued from sex slavery. 


Since KRMG has partnered with Mountain Home, we have been able to help them remodel/repair their facility and buy a new bus. In 2022, there were limited to being able to house a maximum of 16 orphans, as of 2024 that number has increased to 26! That's due to the faithfulness of those who use KRMG to sow into the lives and futures of these amazing kids.


We are committed to supporting them monthly to help keep a reserve that would support them for 2 years. We are proud to be a part of this integral, Christ serving ministry.

Mountain Home Orphanage

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